Table Talk | March 22-23 Key Takeaways: The gospel reorients our encouragement, shifting our focus from personal circumstances to the spiritual growth of others....
Table Talk | March 15-16 Key Takeaways: If we have Jesus in common, we have more than enough to keep us together, regardless of our differences. Fresh faith...
Table Talk | March 8-9 Opening Question: Share a time when you felt discouraged in your faith. What helped you overcome that discouragement? Key Takeaways: 1. We...
Table Talk | March 01-02 Key Takeaways: Â God sends messengers to communicate and live out the gospel to us. Â God uses mentors to coach us towards lives that honor...
Table Talk | February 22-23 Opening Question: Share about a time when you felt pressure to please others or gain their approval. How did it affect you? Key Takeaways:...
Table Talk | February 15-16 Opening Question: – What does it mean to you personally to “please God” in your daily life? Key Takeaways: 1. When you...
Table Talk | February 8-9 Key Takeaways: Encouraging faith is strengthened by the Spirit’s power. Encouraging faith suffers with joy by the Spirit’s...
Table Talk | February 1-2 Opening Prayer Key Takeaways: 1. Our shared experiences amplify our love for one another in Christ. 2. Gratitude to God should be the...
Table Talk | January 25-26 Key Takeaways: You don’t ever have to be afraid of Jesus. There are times when Jesus will ask you to come out of your comfort zone...
Table Talk | January 18-19 Key Takeaways: 1Â Â Our eyes are the source of clear vision that benefits our whole body, both physically and spiritually. 2Â Â Clear...
Table Talk | January 11-12 Opening Question: What stood out to you most from the sermon? Why? Key Takeaways: Jesus teaches us not to store up treasures on earth, but...
Table Talk | January 4-5 Opening Question: What stood out to you most from the sermon? Why? Key Takeaways: HDC is committed to honoring faithful servants, like...
Table Talk | December 28-29 Key Takeaways: When the gospel changes you, it changes how you relate to God’s word. We should relate to God’s word with...
Table Talk | December 21-22 Key Takeaways: • God’s method of rescue through Jesus was intentionally fraught with frailty and vulnerability. • Jesus and his...
Table Talk | December 14-15 Key Takeaways: The Bible tells one unified story across 66 books about God’s desire to live in relationship with His image bearers....
Table Talk | December 7-8 Key Takeaways: God’s mission is to spread His glory by redeeming people and sending them to tell others. Christians are called into...
Table Talk | November 30-December 1 Key Takeaways: Unity in the church is not optional, but a command from God. True unity comes from having the mindset of Christ, not...
Table Talk | November 23-24 Opening Prayer: Begin by asking God to speak to each member of the group and prepare their hearts for discussion. Key Takeaways:...
Table Talk | November 16-17 Opening Prayer: Begin by asking God to speak to each member of the group and prepare their hearts for discussion. Key Takeaways: Malachi is...
Table Talk | November 9-10 Key Takeaways: Keep looking above the horizon, beyond the chaos and brokenness of this world. Our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly...
Table Talk | November 3-4 Key Takeaways: 1. God’s purpose in confronting our sin is to lead us to repentance. 2. It’s important to identify what can and...
Table Talk | October 26-27 Key Takeaways: Zephaniah warns about the consequences of distancing oneself from God. The “Day of the Lord” represents both...
Table Talk | October 19-20 Opening Question: Share a time when you struggled to understand God’s actions or apparent inaction in your life or the world around...
Table Talk | October 12-13 Opening Question: – What was your initial reaction to hearing about God’s anger and vengeance in this sermon? How does it...
Table Talk | October 5-6 Opening Question: What stood out to you most from the sermon on Micah? Why? Key Takeaways: Heed God’s warnings Hope in God’s...
Table Talk | September 28-29 Opening Question: – Have you ever found yourself running away from something God was calling you to do? What was that experience...
Table Talk | September 21-22 Opening Question: What was your initial reaction to hearing a sermon on the book of Obadiah? Had you ever studied this book before? Key...
Table Talk | September 14-15 Opening Question: What stood out to you most from the sermon on Amos? Why? Key Takeaways: Authentic worship of God cannot be disconnected...
Table Talk | September 7-8 Key Takeaways: God’s judgment of sin is consistent with His holy character. There’s always hope and an opportunity for...
Table Talk | August 31-September 1 Key Takeaways: 1. Sin is spiritual adultery against God. 2. God loves us too much to leave us unaware of our sin. 3. God takes the...
Table Talk | August 24-25 Key Takeaways: The Minor Prophets consist of 12 books in the Old Testament, addressing various nations and peoples. These books primarily...
Table Talk | August 17-18 Key Takeaways: 1. God is aware of our troubles and understands our challenges. 2. Jesus offers help and peace through the Holy Spirit. 3....
Table Talk | July 27-28 Key Takeaways: 1. God chooses to relate to us as a loving Father. 2. Our Heavenly Father knows we need discipline, and it’s for our...
Table Talk | July 20-21 Key Takeaways: 1. Everyone has roots of faith – we all trust in something. 2. There’s a difference between trusting in the Lord...
Table Talk | July 13-14 Growth Group Guide: Game Changers – Investing in the Spirit Opening Question: What stood out to you most from the sermon? Why? Key...
Table Talk | July 6-7 Game Changers Key Scripture: Romans 12:1-2 Discussion Questions: 1. Pastor George mentioned three areas of disconnect he experienced...
Table Talk | June 29-30 Growth Group Guide: The Parable of the Sower Key Takeaways: 1. Fruitfulness comes from the intersection of God’s seed (His Word) and...
Table Talk | June 22-23 Growth Group Guide: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Key Takeaways: 1. You’ve been forgiven by God an amount you could never...
Table Talk | June 15-16 Message Summary: This powerful message dives into the depths of the Parable of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15. We explore the story of a...
Table Talk | June 8-9 Small Group Discussion Guide: “The New Math of Grace” Key Takeaways: God’s economy isn’t based on transactional...
Table Talk | June 1-2 Growth Group Guide: “Life is More Than That” Sermon Summary: In this sermon, Pastor Tom shares a parable Jesus told about a...
Table Talk | May 25-26 “The Parable of the Great Banquet” (Luke 14:15-24) Opening Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, as we gather together to study your...
Table Talk | May 18-19 In light of this weekend’s sermon, I wanted to share a brief recap and some personal reflections. Summary: This weekend, we explored...
Table Talk | May 11-12 I hope this message finds you all well and that you had a blessed Mother’s Day weekend. This past Sunday, we embarked on an...
Table Talk | May 4-5 I hope this message finds you all well and still reflecting on the powerful truths we shared together this past Sunday. Our journey through...
Table Talk | April 27-28 I hope this message finds you all well and still contemplating this past weekend’s sermon. It was a spiritually enriching time as we...
Table Talk | April 20-21 I hope this message finds you all well and carrying the joy and peace from our recent gathering. This weekend, we had the opportunity to...
Table Talk | April 13-14 I hope this message finds you well and reflecting on the profound teachings from this past weekend’s sermon. We were blessed to have...
Table Talk | April 6-7 I hope this message finds you all in good spirits and health. This past weekend, we delved into a powerful sermon that explored the deep...
Table Talk | Mar. 30-31 I hope this message finds you well and that you’ve had time to reflect on this weekend’s Easter sermon. It was a powerful...
Table Talk | Mar. 23-24 I hope this message finds you well and reflecting on the powerful sermon we shared together this past weekend. It was a time of deep...
Table Talk | Mar. 16-17 This weekend’s sermon, “Navigating the Stormy Seas of Scripture,” was a deep dive into the challenges and revelations of...
Table Talk | Mar. 9-10 This past weekend, we gathered to continue our journey through First Peter, reflecting on how to live out our faith in the face of...
Table Talk | Mar. 2-3 This past weekend, we were graced with a profound sermon, delving into the first-century teachings on Christian marriage as taught by Peter...
Table Talk | Feb 24-25 I hope this message finds you all well and reflecting on the profound teachings from this past weekend’s message. Here are some key...
Table Talk | Feb 17-18 Pastor Todd’s exploration of 1 Peter provided us with rich insights into living out our Christian identity in today’s world....
Table Talk | Feb 10-11 This past weekend, we had the privilege of delving into the powerful teachings of 1 Peter and reflecting on the significance of unity...
Table Talk | Feb 3-4 This past weekend, we were blessed with a deeply moving sermon, “Love One Another Deeply” Our hearts were stirred as we delved...
Table Talk | Jan 27-28 As we continue to meditate on the profound teachings from this past weekend’s sermon, I wanted to share a summary and some key...
Table Talk | Jan 20-21 Our journey through 1 Peter offered us a wealth of wisdom and encouragement. Here are some key takeaways to carry with you throughout the...
Table Talk | Jan 13-14 This past weekend, we gathered to explore the profound themes of hope, faith, and eternal perspective as they pertain to the trials we face...
Table Talk | Jan 6-7 Grace and peace to you all! I hope this message finds you well and reflecting on the powerful truths shared in this weekend’s sermon. As...
Table Talk | Dec. 16-17 This weekend, our sermon was drawn from the Christmas song, “Go Tell It on the Mountain,” with the humble shepherds playing a...
Table Talk | Dec. 9-10 This weekend’s sermon started with some of our favorite Christmas carols like “Joy to the World” and moved into understanding...
Table Talk | Dec. 2-3 This weekend, we explored the profound call in the timeless carol, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” to listen to the angelic...
Table Talk | Nov. 25-26 Our journey through the Book of Ruth has allowed us to explore and reflect on themes of obedience, faith, and redemption. We discussed the...
Table Talk | Nov.18-19 Our discussion delved deep into Ruth’s life, illustrating her courageous decision to trust God’s plan, even when the full...
Table Talk | Nov. 11-12 In this weekend’s sermon, Pastor Todd walked us through chapter two in the Book of Ruth. The text highlighted how God’s provision...
Table Talk | Nov. 4-5 This weekend, we embarked on a new journey as we began exploring the Book of Ruth in our latest teaching series. This narrative is a...
Table Talk | October 21-22, 2023 In this weekend’s stirring sermon, we journey through an exploration inspired by the churches of Galatia and their response to the...