Summer Blast 2025
Are you ready to MAGNIFY GOD?
Kids Kinder-6th grade in Fall of 2025 are invited to join us to find the bigness of God in the smallest of things at Summer Blast! Get ready for an awesome week of games, snacks, crafts, Bible stories, friends, and fun!
Date:Â Tuesday, June 17- Friday, June 20
Time: 9am-12pm
Where: HDC Victorville
Kids in Kinder-6th grade in Fall of 2025
 Cost: $35 per child
To guarantee that your child gets a t-shirt and a nametag, register by Tuesday, May 27. Registration will close on Tuesday, June 10.
Are you a teen or adult who wants to help kids learn that they were made to magnify God at Summer Blast? We have lots of roles available. We need tour guides to lead groups of kids throughout the week, and rotation leaders for crafts, snacks, and games. No matter where you serve, it’s lots of fun!
You can sign up to serve here!
Volunteer sign-ups will close on Tuesday, May 27.
Summer Blast FAQ
Summer blast is a four day experience for elementary aged kids to hear the good news about Jesus and have lots of fun doing it! Kids will enjoy high-energy worship and Bible stories in the morning, and then travel from rotation to rotation with a group of kids their age as they enjoy crafts, snacks, and games!
Register your child for the grade they will be in in fall 2025.
Yes! Please list first and last names, even if you are not sure they are able to attend. We make every effort to honor friend requests but cannot guarantee placement.Typically, kids will be grouped in single-grade groups: Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th.
Each day, your child should wear their Summer Blast shirt and comfortable shoes for walking in. For water day on Friday, they can wear a swimsuit under their clothes if they want to!
Check in will start each day at 8:45.
Snacks are provided each day. If your child has food allergies, please note that in their registration. We make every effort to accommodate allergies, and our team will reach out to you with any questions.
Tuesday, June 10 is the last day to register for Summer Blast. To guarantee that your child gets a T-Shirt and a nametag, please register by Tuesday, May 27.
We will take walk-up registrations on the first day of Summer Blast. We will start registering kids at 8:15.
Reach out to us at aaustin@highdesertchurch.com with any other questions!