Understanding Spiritual Warfare

May 19, 2024 3:00 - 5:00pm  |  Victorville Campus

14545 Hook Boulevard, Victorville, CA, USA

Track: Discipleship and Formation
Teacher: Matt Coulombe

As believers in Jesus, it is important to acknowledge the spiritual battle that we find ourselves in every day, while confidently trusting in God’s power amidst the fight. Though Satan cannot stake a claim on the soul that has been blood-bought by Christ Himself, our Enemy will do all that is in his power to blind our eyes, numb our minds, and make us ineffective in our witness to others. Scripture calls us to be alert and clear-headed when it comes to knowing the sneaky and destructive tactics that our adversary ruthlessly employs against us and those who we love so much. This class intends to provide a greater awareness of these realities so that the Christian will be better equipped to wage a more successful battle against the spiritual forces of evil within the world around us, making us most effective in representing Christ and reaching people for Him.