HDC U Financial Takeover
February 16 3:00 - 5:00 pm | Victorville Campus
We started our weekend teaching series for 2025 with a series on Jesus’ teachings on money. We know that a series like that can make you want to change or grow in an area of new understanding, so we want to help you in pursuing growth in the area of finance. That’s why we’re having the theme of finances take over our upcoming HDC U classes. We’ll offer three different classes that are an hour long each, so you can sign up for two of them to attend at an A and B track during the HDC U block. Check out the classes listed below:Â
1) Theology of Generosity – taught by Pastor Jackson Arnett
Most of us want to be generous, but it’s hard to change our habits. Is generosity only for those with the gift of generosity, or is it something that all Christians should do? Why is generosity so important to Christ? How does generosity show what God is like? This class will try to answer these questions and more.
2) Budgeting 101 – taught by Mike Fell
This class will give you a quick rundown of budgeting. We’ll show you how to set up a budget and stick to it. Whether you’re new to budgeting or need a fresh start, this class will equip you with tools to make smart financial decisions and experience the peace that comes with financial stability.
Hear from a panel of HDC’s pastors with kids at different life stages as they share how to instill healthy financial values in young children, empower teens with money skills, and offer loving guidance to adult children navigating their own financial decisions. Together, we’ll explore how to model stewardship, generosity, and trust in God at every stage of parenting.