Table Talk | March 22-23

Kyle Patrick   -  

Key Takeaways:

  1. The gospel reorients our encouragement, shifting our focus from personal circumstances to the spiritual growth of others.
  2. Kingdom relationships bring joy and are partnerships, not projects.
  3. Our faith is never full – we always have room to grow and strengthen our trust in Jesus.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Pastor Todd mentioned that Paul found encouragement in the Thessalonians’ faith, even while facing his own persecution. How does this challenge your perspective on finding encouragement?
  2. Reflect on a time when you were deeply encouraged by someone else’s spiritual growth. How did that impact your own faith?
  3. The sermon emphasized that kingdom relationships are partnerships, not projects. How might this perspective change the way you approach relationships within the church?
  4. Pastor Todd said, “Faith is a muscle.” How have you seen this play out in your own life? Can you share an example of how your faith has grown through “exercise”?
  5. The sermon highlighted the importance of community in growing our faith. How has being part of a community helped strengthen your faith? Are there areas where you feel you need more support?
  6. Discuss the three closing questions from the sermon: a. Are you discouraged? How might encouraging others help change your perspective? b. Are you disconnected? What steps can you take to pursue kingdom-centered relationships? c. Are you too comfortable? Who might God be calling you to invest in?

Practical Applications:

  1. This week, intentionally encourage at least one person in their faith journey. Share your experience with the group next time.
  2. Identify an area of your faith that feels “lacking” or weak. Create a plan to strengthen it, perhaps through study, prayer, or seeking guidance from a mature believer.
  3. Make a list of people in your “oikos” (relational world) who don’t yet know Jesus. Commit to praying for them daily using the A.B.C. framework mentioned in the sermon.
  4. If you haven’t participated in “Rooted” yet, consider signing up for the next session. If you have, share your experience with someone who hasn’t and encourage them to join.
  5. Reflect on your current relationships. Are they mostly casual or kingdom-centered? Challenge yourself to deepen at least one relationship this week by having a spiritually meaningful conversation.

Closing Prayer:

Close your group time by praying for each other’s faith journey, for those in your oikos who don’t yet know Jesus, and for opportunities to encourage others in their faith this week.