Table Talk | March 01-02

Kyle Patrick   -  

Key Takeaways:

  1.  God sends messengers to communicate and live out the gospel to us.
  2.  God uses mentors to coach us towards lives that honor Him.
  3.  God’s invitation is to belong and behave as members of His kingdom.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Pastor Todd mentioned that God is the most accurate witness of how we minister to others. How does this reality impact the way you approach serving and interacting with others?
  2. The sermon highlighted three ways Paul mentored the Thessalonians: encouraging, comforting, and urging. Which of these do you find most challenging to give or receive? Why?
  3. How has your understanding of living a life “worthy of God” changed after hearing this message?
  4. Pastor Todd emphasized that we can’t earn our worthiness before God, but Jesus makes us worthy. How does this truth affect your daily walk with God?
  5. Discuss a time when a mentor or coach significantly impacted your spiritual growth. What made their influence so meaningful?
  6. The sermon touched on the importance of being part of God’s kingdom now, not just in the future. What does it look like to participate in “kingdom activities” in your everyday life?

Practical Applications:

  1. Identify a potential mentor in your life and take the initiative to ask them for guidance in a specific area of your spiritual journey.
  2. Reflect on your relational world (oikos). How can you be a more authentic representation of Christ to those around you this week?
  3. Practice being an encourager, comforter, and urger to someone in your life this week. Share your experience with the group next time.
  4. Spend time meditating on what it means to be a citizen of God’s kingdom. Write down practical ways you can live out this identity in your daily routines.
  5. If you struggle with feeling unworthy, create a list of Bible verses that remind you of your worth in Christ. Commit to reading these daily for the next week.
  6. As a group, brainstorm ways you can collectively engage in “kingdom activities” in your community. Choose one to implement together in the coming month.

Closing Prayer:

Thank God for His grace that makes us worthy through Christ. Ask for His help in living lives that honor Him and reflect His kingdom to those around us.