Table Talk | February 22-23

Kyle Patrick   -  
Opening Question:
Share about a time when you felt pressure to please others or gain their approval. How did it affect you?
Key Takeaways:
1. Gospel-centered leaders aren’t dependent on good reviews from others.
2. Often, our greatest blessings to others come from ways God has “undone” us.
3. Gospel-centered leaders demonstrate care consistent with others’ needs.
4. The gospel is best communicated in the context of relationships.
Discussion Questions:
1. How does our culture’s focus on reviews and approval impact our faith and leadership?
2. Pastor Todd mentioned Paul’s transformation from a Pharisee to an apostle. How has God “undone” parts of your life to make you more effective in serving others?
3. Discuss the metaphor of a nursing mother caring for her children. How does this relate to spiritual leadership and discipleship?
4. What’s the difference between “milk” and “solid food” in spiritual growth? Where are you in your spiritual journey?
5. How can we balance sharing the gospel with sharing our lives? Why are both important?
6. Reflect on the statement: “We loved you so much that we shared with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well.” How does this challenge or inspire you?
Practical Applications:
1. Identify your “oikos” – the 8-15 people in your relational world. How can you be more intentional about sharing both the gospel and your life with them this week?
2. Reflect on areas where you might be seeking others’ approval more than God’s. Commit to praying about these areas daily this week.
3. If you’re a spiritual leader (parent, mentor, small group leader), consider how you can provide the right “spiritual nutrition” for those you’re leading. Are you offering milk or solid food appropriately?
4. Challenge yourself to be more vulnerable and authentic in your relationships this week, especially when sharing about your faith.
Closing Prayer:
Lord, help us to be gospel-centered leaders who aren’t dependent on others’ approval. Transform our lives so we can bless others. Give us the courage to share both the gospel and our lives authentically. May we love others as deeply as You have loved us. Amen.