Table Talk | February 15-16

Kyle Patrick   -  

Opening Question:

– What does it mean to you personally to “please God” in your daily life?
Key Takeaways:
1. When you please God, you’ll receive supernatural courage.
2. When you please God, your integrity stands strong.
3. When you please God, you’ll gain confidence and leave behind doubt.
Discussion Questions:
1. Paul and Silas faced persecution in Philippi before traveling to Thessalonica. How does their example challenge or inspire you in your own faith journey?
2. What are some situations in your life where you might need “supernatural courage” to stand up for your faith or make difficult choices?
3. There were six accusations against Paul (error, impure motives, trickery, people-pleasing, flattery, and masking greed). Which of these do you find most challenging to avoid in your own life, and why?
4. How can we balance the desire to please God with the natural human desire for approval from others?
5. It was said, “God tests you not to see you fail, but to encourage you to stand strong in him.” How does this perspective change your view of challenges or trials in your life?
6. Discuss the statement: “God has validated both the message he’s given to you and he validates you as his ambassador to share the good news of Jesus Christ.” How does this impact your approach to sharing your faith?
Practical Applications:
1. This week, identify one area in your life where you can make a conscious effort to please God rather than others. Share your plan with the group.
2. Practice sharing your testimony or explaining the gospel message to a partner in the group. Discuss how you can do this with integrity and authenticity.
3. Commit to praying for each other this week, specifically for courage and strength to live in a way that pleases God.
4. Choose one of the positive attributes mentioned in the sermon (truthful, pure motives, honest, God-pleasing, sincere, authentic) and focus on developing it in your life this week.
Closing Prayer:

Close the session by praying for each group member to live with the primary motivation of pleasing God in all aspects of their lives.