Table Talk | November 16-17

Kyle Patrick   -  

Opening Prayer:

Begin by asking God to speak to each member of the group and prepare their hearts for discussion.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Malachi is the capstone of the Old Testament, completing God’s message before Jesus.
  2. We are often more like ancient Israel than we realize, especially in how we love God and others.
  3. God’s love for us is based on His choice, not our merit.
  4. God is good and brings salvation through judgment.
  5. We should commit to God like we would to a parachute – fully trusting Him for salvation.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Pastor Mike mentioned that we often doubt God’s love when things aren’t going well. Can you share a time when you struggled to believe God loved you? How did you work through that?
  2. How does understanding God’s love as a choice rather than based on our merit change your perspective on your relationship with Him?
  3. Pastor Mike talked about violating God’s design for relationships. In what areas of your life do you find it most challenging to love others as God intends?
  4. How do you reconcile the idea of a good God with the existence of evil in the world? What does it mean to you that “the tears of God are the meaning of history”?
  5. The sermon presents Jesus as both Savior and the one who was judged. How does this dual role help you understand God’s plan for salvation?
  6. Discuss the parachute analogy. How might viewing your faith as essential for “survival” rather than just “life enhancement” change your approach to following Jesus?
  7. Pastor Mike suggested that our approach to finances is a litmus test for our trust in God. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Practical Applications:

  1. Reflect on areas where you may be doubting God’s love. Commit to bringing these doubts to God in prayer this week.
  2. Identify one relationship in your life where you can better demonstrate God’s love. Make a plan to take a specific action this week to improve that relationship.
  3. Consider your current giving practices. Are you giving generously and cheerfully? If not, what steps can you take to grow in this area?
  4. Write down what you would want people to say about your faith at your funeral. What changes might you need to make now for that to become a reality?

Closing Prayer:

Thank God for His love and salvation. Ask for His help in living out the truths discussed, loving Him deeply, loving others selflessly, and living generously.