Table Talk | October 19-20

Kyle Patrick   -  

Opening Question:

Share a time when you struggled to understand God’s actions or apparent inaction in your life or the world around you.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Faith in God doesn’t require clarity or agreement with His ways.
  2. Faith in God is required to be right with Him.
  3. Faith is demonstrated most when our circumstances seem blessed the least.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does Habakkuk’s complaint to God resonate with you? Have you ever felt similarly?
  2. God often gives answers different from what we want. Can you share an experience where God’s answer surprised you but ultimately proved beneficial?
  3. How does the concept of “the righteous will live by faith” (Habakkuk 2:4) challenge or encourage you in your spiritual walk?
  4. Discuss the difference between trying to earn God’s favor through good works versus living by faith. Why is this distinction important?
  5. How can we maintain faith and joy in difficult circumstances, as Habakkuk did in chapter 3:17-19?
  6. What does it mean practically to have faith as a “verb to be expressed” rather than a “label to be worn”?

Practical Applications:

  1. This week, practice bringing your honest questions and complaints to God in prayer, following Habakkuk’s example.
  2. Identify an area in your life where you’re struggling to trust God’s plan. Commit to choosing faith in that situation, even if you don’t understand.
  3. Start a “faith journal” where you record how God has been faithful in the past. Use this as a reminder when facing challenging times.
  4. Choose a verse from Habakkuk (such as 3:17-19) to memorize and meditate on throughout the week.
  5. Look for an opportunity to encourage someone else who may be struggling with their faith due to difficult circumstances.

Closing Prayer:

Thank God for His patience with our questions and doubts. Ask for strength to live by faith, especially when it’s difficult, and for joy that comes from trusting in His goodness and sovereignty.