Table Talk | October 5-6

Kyle Patrick   -  

Opening Question:

What stood out to you most from the sermon on Micah? Why?

Key Takeaways:

  1. Heed God’s warnings
  2. Hope in God’s rescue
  3. Hear God’s call

Discussion Questions:

  1. Pastor Jody mentioned idolatry as a root issue. What are some modern-day idols that people, including Christians, struggle with? How can we identify idols in our own lives?

  1. Micah prophesied about judgment and rescue. How does understanding both God’s justice and mercy shape our view of Him?

  1. Pastor Jody said, “Bible prophecy isn’t entertainment for the curious, it’s encouragement for the serious.” How should this perspective impact how we approach studying prophecy?

  1. Reflect on Micah 6:8. What does it mean to “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God” in our daily lives?

  1. The sermon emphasized that God wants our hearts, not just our actions. How can we cultivate a heart that truly desires God above all else?

  1. How does the concept of “rescue” in the sermon relate to our understanding of salvation? How can we communicate this need for rescue to others?

Practical Applications:

  1. Heart Check: Take time this week to prayerfully examine your heart. Are there any idols or areas where you’ve drifted from God? Confess these to Him and a trusted friend.

  1. Rescue Mission: Identify one person in your life who needs to hear about Jesus. Commit to praying for them daily and look for opportunities to share your faith.

  1. Justice and Mercy: Choose one practical way to “act justly” or “love mercy” this week (e.g., volunteer, advocate for a cause, forgive someone).

  1. Scripture Meditation: Spend time meditating on Micah 7:18-19. Reflect on God’s forgiveness and how it impacts your life.

  1. Obedience Step: What is one specific area where you feel God calling you to deeper obedience? Share with the group and ask for accountability.

Closing Prayer:

Thank God for His warnings, rescue, and calling in our lives. Ask for His help in responding faithfully to His word and living out the lessons from Micah.