Table Talk | September 21-22

Kyle Patrick   -  

Opening Question:

What was your initial reaction to hearing a sermon on the book of Obadiah? Had you ever studied this book before?

Key Takeaways:

1. Family conflicts can have long-term implications.
2. God’s sovereign choosing of people is consistent with His will and ways.
3. God’s answer to sinful pride is humility and love.

Discussion Questions:

1. We learned about the long-standing conflict between Edom and Israel. How have you seen family conflicts impact relationships over time in your own life or in the lives of others?

2. Pastor Todd mentioned the concept of election. How does understanding God’s sovereign choice impact your view of salvation? How does it affect your sense of humility and gratitude?

3. The sermon highlighted that election isn’t about rewarding those who are deserving. How does this challenge or affirm your understanding of God’s grace?

4. How can we balance understanding God’s unique relationship with Israel while also recognizing His love for all nations?

5. Pastor Todd emphasized that our response to being elected by God should be profound humility and gratitude. In what ways can we cultivate these attitudes in our daily lives?

6. The sermon touched on current events related to Israel. How can we approach complex geopolitical situations with a biblical perspective while still showing compassion to all involved?

Practical Applications:

1. This week, reflect on any family conflicts or broken relationships in your life. Pray about how you might take steps towards reconciliation or at least adopt a more compassionate attitude.

2. Practice gratitude daily by listing three ways you’ve experienced God’s undeserved grace in your life.

3. Look for opportunities to show love and compassion to someone who may be considered an “enemy” in your life or community.

4. Read through the book of Obadiah (it’s only one chapter!) each day this week, asking God to reveal new insights each time.

5. Consider how you can use your position as God’s “elect” to be an ambassador for Christ in your everyday interactions.

Closing Prayer:

Lord, thank you for Your Word, even the parts we don’t often study. Help us to approach Your truth with humility and gratitude. May we be people who respond to Your election with love for others and a desire to see Your kingdom expand. Guide us in applying these lessons from Obadiah to our daily lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.