Table Talk | August 31-September 1

Kyle Patrick   -  

Key Takeaways:

1. Sin is spiritual adultery against God.
2. God loves us too much to leave us unaware of our sin.
3. God takes the initiative to pursue and redeem us.
4. The glory of God is central to everything.
5. God’s jealousy is an expression of His intense love for His people.

Discussion Questions:

1. How does the imagery of marriage in Hosea help us understand our relationship with God? How does it challenge your view of sin?
2. “We are Gomer.” How does this realization impact your understanding of God’s grace and your own need for redemption?
3. Discuss the concept of God’s glory. How can we better recognize and respond to God’s glory in our daily lives?
4. How does understanding God’s jealousy as a positive attribute change your perspective on His love for you?
5. We heard that “judgment begins in the household of faith.” How should this affect our approach to personal holiness and accountability within the church?
6. Reflect on the progression from “the bride is ugly” to “the bride is getting better.” How have you experienced God’s transforming work in your life?

Practical Applications:

1. This week, take time to reflect on areas in your life where you might be committing “spiritual adultery.” Confess these to God and ask for His help in remaining faithful.
2. Practice recognizing God’s glory in creation and in the face of Jesus. Keep a journal of moments when you’re particularly aware of His glory.
3. Meditate on Hosea 2:19-20. How can you respond to God’s faithful love in your daily life?
4. Consider ways you can “deflect glory” to God in your achievements and blessings this week.
5. Spend time in prayer, thanking God for His relentless pursuit of you, even in your unfaithfulness.

6. Share with the group next week how reflecting on God’s jealous love has impacted your relationship with Him.