Table Talk | February 8-9
Key Takeaways:
- Encouraging faith is strengthened by the Spirit’s power.
- Encouraging faith suffers with joy by the Spirit’s presence.
- Encouraging faith is hopeful in the Spirit’s promise.
Discussion Questions:
- True Christians find their confidence in what God has done, not in their own efforts. How does this perspective change the way you view your faith?
- Reflect on a time when you witnessed someone rejoicing in the midst of suffering. How did their example impact your own faith?
3. Anything in this broken world that makes you think it can save you is an idol. What are some common “idols” in our society today? Have you struggled with any of these?
4. How does the promise of Jesus’ return and a new creation impact your daily life and perspective on current struggles?
5. We must focus on our Savior rather than our suffering. What practical steps can we take to shift our focus when facing difficulties?
6. Discuss the ABC’s of salvation (Admit, Believe, Commit). How might you use this simple explanation to share your faith with others?
Practical Applications:
- This week, practice redirecting your thoughts to Jesus when you encounter challenges or suffering. Keep a journal of how this impacts your attitude and faith.
- Identify one area in your life where you may be looking to something other than God for salvation or fulfillment. Commit to praying about this and seeking accountability from the group.
- Reach out to someone you know who is going through a difficult time. Encourage them by sharing how your faith in Christ gives you hope beyond current circumstances.
- Memorize a Bible verse that reminds you of God’s power and promises (e.g., 1 Thessalonians 1:5 or John 14:1-3). Recite it daily this week.
- As a group, brainstorm ways you can be an encouragement to others in your church or community through your faith. Choose one idea to implement together in the coming month.
Closing Prayer:
Thank God for His saving power, His presence in suffering, and His promise of eternal hope. Ask for His help in living out an encouraging faith that impacts others.