Table Talk | January 18-19

Kyle Patrick   -  

Key Takeaways:

1  Our eyes are the source of clear vision that benefits our whole body, both physically and spiritually.

2  Clear vision enables all of who we are to function well.

3  Unclear vision impairs all of who we are and can lead to spiritual darkness.

Discussion Questions:

1  How does the metaphor of “eyes as the lamp of the body” relate to our spiritual lives and stewardship?

2   Pastor Todd mentioned the concept of 10-10-80 for budgeting. How might this approach change your perspective on managing finances?

3  Discuss the three temptations mentioned in 1 John 2:15-17 (lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life). How do these manifest in our modern society?

4  How can social media influence our “vision” and affect our stewardship of resources?

5  What does it mean to have “healthy eyes” in terms of how we view our possessions and resources?

6  How can we shift our perspective from seeing resources as “ours” to recognizing them as God’s, entrusted to us?

Practical Applications:

1  Implement the 10-10-80 budgeting principle for a month and discuss the results at the next meeting.

2  Conduct a “vision check” of your life. Identify areas where you might have unclear or unhealthy perspectives regarding stewardship.

3  Choose one area of your life (e.g., finances, time, talents) and create a plan to steward it more intentionally according to God’s priorities.

4  Evaluate your social media usage and its impact on your “vision.” Consider making adjustments if necessary.

Closing Reflection: Reflect on the three questions posed at the end of the sermon:

1  Will you let God tell you what is worth treasuring and how to use earthly resources for eternal reward?

2  Will you confess the things you’ve treasured wrongly?

3  How can you ask for God’s help in understanding what matters and moving forward to honor Him?


Close in prayer, asking God for clear vision and wisdom in stewardship.