Table Talk | January 11-12
Opening Question:
What stood out to you most from the sermon? Why?
Key Takeaways:
- Jesus teaches us not to store up treasures on earth, but in heaven.
- Stewardship involves managing our resources and our affections.
- What we treasure reveals where our heart truly is.
Discussion Questions:
- Pastor Todd mentioned that Jesus is both authoritative and helpful in His teachings. How does this dual nature of Jesus impact the way you receive His instructions?
- Reflect on the phrase “There’s no value in treasuring what won’t last.” What are some examples of earthly treasures that people commonly prioritize?
- How does the concept of being a “steward” rather than an “owner” challenge your perspective on possessions and wealth?
- Pastor Todd mentioned that “a vow of poverty was never a requirement for following Jesus, but being unattached to earthly wealth and being generous is.” How can we practically live out this principle?
- Discuss the metaphor of “obsolescence” used in the sermon. How does this relate to our spiritual lives and what we choose to invest in?
- Pastor Todd shared a personal story about 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 and the Bema Seat Judgment. How does this passage impact your view of how you’re living your life as a Christian?
- What does it mean for our hearts to be “tethered” to what we treasure? How can we ensure our hearts are tethered to eternal things?
Practical Applications:
- Review your spending habits for the past month. Identify areas where you might be “storing up treasures on earth” unnecessarily.
- Choose one way to practice generosity this week, whether through giving money, time, or resources.
- Reflect on what you truly “treasure” by examining where you spend most of your time, energy, and thoughts. Is there anything you need to adjust?
- Spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal any areas where you’ve become too attached to earthly possessions or pursuits.
- Identify one “heavenly treasure” you can invest in this week (e.g., serving others, deepening your relationship with God, sharing your faith).
- Consider areas of your life where you might be building with “wood, hay, and straw” instead of “gold, silver, and costly stones.” What changes can you make?
Closing Prayer:
Lord, help us to treasure what truly matters in light of eternity. Guide us in being faithful stewards of all You’ve entrusted to us – our resources, time, and affections. May our hearts be tethered to You and Your kingdom above all else. In Jesus’ name, Amen.