Table Talk | November 9-10

Kyle Patrick   -  

Key Takeaways:

  • Keep looking above the horizon, beyond the chaos and brokenness of this world.
  • Our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await our Savior.
  • Keep pursuing your heavenly mission regardless of who holds earthly power.
  • Never give up hope because salvation is coming, but it may come in unexpected ways.
  • God wants His people to declare the message of salvation to the entire world.

Discussion Questions:

Pastor Tom mentioned that “Democracy is a good form of government, but it’s not a biblical one.” How does this statement and the idea of God being a “benevolent dictator” challenge your thinking about faith and politics?

In what ways might we blur the lines between our national identity and our identity as citizens of heaven? How can we maintain a healthy balance?

Pastor Tom emphasized that our mission as Christians doesn’t change regardless of who’s in political power. How can we stay focused on our heavenly mission during times of political turmoil?

Zachariah prophesied that salvation would come in an unexpected way (through a humble Messiah). Can you think of times in your life when God worked in ways you didn’t expect?

What does it mean to you to “sparkle like jewels in a crown” as mentioned in Zachariah 9:16?

Practical Applications:

Identify your “front row” – the 8 to 15 people in your immediate sphere of influence. How can you be an ambassador for Christ to them this week?

Practice looking “above the horizon” when faced with discouraging news. Set aside time each day to focus on eternal truths rather than temporary circumstances.

Reflect on areas where you might be putting God “in a box.” Challenge yourself to be open to God working in unexpected ways.

Look for opportunities to “sparkle” this week by demonstrating Christ-like humility and gentleness in your interactions with others.

Commit to praying for both local and global leaders, regardless of whether you agree with their policies.

Closing Prayer:

Lord, help us to keep our eyes fixed on You, even when the world around us seems chaotic. May we be faithful ambassadors of Your kingdom, sparkling with Your love and truth in a dark world. Give us the courage to pursue our heavenly mission and to trust in Your unexpected ways of working. In Jesus’ name, Amen.