Table Talk | September 7-8

Kyle Patrick   -  

Key Takeaways:

  1. God’s judgment of sin is consistent with His holy character.
  2. There’s always hope and an opportunity for repentance.
  3. The “day of the Lord” brings both judgment and salvation.
  4. God’s Spirit empowers believers to live missionally and testify about salvation.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What stood out to you most from the sermon on Joel? Why?

  1. How does understanding God’s judgment of sin impact your view of His character? How does it affect your daily life?

  1. Pastor Todd mentioned that “salvation is available to all who call upon the Lord.” How can we share this message of hope with others in our lives?

  1. Discuss the concept of the “day of the Lord.” How does it make you feel knowing it brings both judgment and salvation?

  1. Pastor Todd used the analogy of an athlete “having a day” to describe the day of the Lord. How does this analogy help you understand this concept better?

  1. How can we live with a “missional posture” as mentioned in the sermon? What might that look like in your daily life with both local outreach and global missions?

  1. Pastor Todd emphasized the importance of genuine repentance. What’s the difference between external repentance and truly “rending our hearts”?

Practical Applications:

  1. This week, read through the book of Joel (3 chapters) and reflect on its message for today.

  1. Identify one area in your life where you need to practice genuine repentance. Share with the group if comfortable.

  1. Pray for opportunities to share the hope of salvation with someone in your “oikos” (sphere of influence) this week.

  1. Go to to look up an unreached people group in the world. Spend time this week praying for them

  1. Reflect on how you can live a more intentional, holy lifestyle in light of the coming day of the Lord. Choose one specific action to implement.

  1. Spend time in prayer, thanking God for His justice and mercy, and asking for His Spirit to empower you to live missionally.

Closing Prayer:

Close the session by praying for each group member to grow in their understanding of God’s character, to live with genuine repentance, and to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to share the hope of salvation with others.