Table Talk | July 6-7

Kyle Patrick   -  

Game Changers

Key Scripture: Romans 12:1-2

Discussion Questions:

1. Pastor George mentioned three areas of disconnect he experienced between knowing Scripture and applying it to his life. Can you relate to this? Share an example from your own life.
2. How does understanding the depth of God’s mercy change your perspective on your relationship with Him?
3. The sermon challenged the idea that worship is limited to church services. How can we incorporate true worship into our daily lives?
4. Pastor George talked about treating God like a “cosmic vending machine.” Have you ever approached prayer this way? How can we shift our prayer life to align with God’s will instead of our own?
5. What does it mean to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind”? How can we practically pursue this transformation?

Key Takeaways:

1. Salvation is entirely God’s work, not dependent on our efforts or perfection.
2. True worship involves offering our entire lives as living sacrifices to God.
3. God’s will for our lives is good, pleasing, and perfect – even when it differs from our own plans.

Practical Applications:

1. Spend time this week reading through the passages listed in the sermon notes about God’s mercy. Reflect on how these truths impact your life.
2. Identify one area of your life where you may be conforming to the pattern of this world. Pray and seek God’s guidance on how to align this area with His will.
3. Practice offering your body as a living sacrifice this week by intentionally dedicating your actions, thoughts, and decisions to God each day.

Close in Prayer

Encourage group members to continue reflecting on the sermon throughout the week and to come prepared to share any insights or experiences at the next meeting.