Table Talk | July 20-21

Kyle Patrick   -  

Key Takeaways:

1. Everyone has roots of faith – we all trust in something.
2. There’s a difference between trusting in the Lord and the Lord being your trust.
3. Our fruitfulness is determined by where our roots are planted.
4. We can’t cure our own hearts, but God can heal and transform us.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever experienced a dark period in your faith journey? How did you navigate it?
2. Reflect on the difference between “trusting in the Lord” and “the Lord being your trust.” How would you explain this distinction to someone else?
3. We often are “squeezed” by life’s circumstances. What tends to come out of you during difficult times? What does this reveal about your spiritual roots?
4. How does the concept of being “planted by living water” resonate with you? In what ways do you feel connected to or disconnected from God’s life-giving stream?
5. How can we take ownership of our responses while still acknowledging our need for God’s help?
6. Discuss the “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22-23). Which of these fruits do you find most challenging to cultivate in your life? Why?

Practical Applications:

1. Journaling Exercise: Spend 15 minutes this week journaling about where your trust truly lies. Be honest about areas where you might be relying on things other than God.
2. Scripture Meditation: Choose one verse from Romans 8. Meditate on it daily for a week, considering how it applies to your life.
3. Fruit Check: Each day this week, reflect on one fruit of the Spirit. Ask yourself how well you’re exhibiting that fruit and pray for growth in that area.
4. Root Strengthening: Identify one practical way you can deepen your roots in Christ this week (e.g., additional prayer time, memorizing Scripture, serving others).
5. Accountability: Share with a partner one area where you need to “repent and believe.” Commit to praying for each other in this area.

Closing Prayer:

Close the session by having group members pray for each other, asking God to help everyone become more deeply rooted in Christ and to bear fruit even in challenging circumstances.