Give Prayer a Front Seat

Mikey Powers   -  

Steering Our Lives Through Prayer

Hey HDC,

As we welcome the warmth and vibrancy of June, I’ve found myself reflecting deeply on my journey with God, particularly on how He has been teaching me to trust Him more fully. Life, as we all know, has its fair share of trials and tribulations, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of worry and anxiety. However, through these challenging times, God has been gently guiding me to release my anxieties and place my trust wholly in Him.

One of the most transformative lessons I’ve learned during this season is the power of prayer. Often, we treat prayer like a spare tire—something we turn to only when we’re in trouble. But God has been revealing to me that prayer is meant to be much more than that. It’s not just a backup plan; it’s the very steering wheel of our lives.

Prayer as a Steering Wheel

Imagine driving a car and only using the steering wheel when you’re about to crash. It sounds absurd, right? Yet, that’s how many of us approach prayer. We often remember to pray only when we hit a rough patch or face an obstacle. But God wants prayer to be the instrument that guides, directs, and informs every step we take.

In Philippians 4:6-7, we are reminded, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” This passage has been a cornerstone for me, a beacon of light in moments of darkness. It’s a powerful reminder that through constant communication with God, we find peace that surpasses all understanding.

Trusting God Through Consistent Prayer

To trust God more deeply, we must cultivate a habit of consistent prayer. This means talking to God daily, not just in moments of crisis, but in every circumstance. It’s about seeking His guidance before making decisions, thanking Him for the blessings, and even pouring out our hearts during tough times.

Here are a few ways to make prayer a guiding force in our lives:

1. Start Your Day with Prayer: Before you even get out of bed, take a few moments to thank God for the new day and ask for His guidance. This sets a positive tone and aligns your spirit with His will from the outset.

2. Pray Throughout the Day: Keep a continuous dialogue with God. It doesn’t have to be formal; just talk to Him as you would to a friend. Share your thoughts, concerns, and joys.

3. End Your Day with Gratitude: Reflect on your day and thank God for His presence and provision. Even if the day was challenging, expressing gratitude helps reinforce your trust in His plans.

4. Pray for Others: Interceding for others not only helps them but also shifts our focus from our own problems to the broader community of believers. It fosters empathy and strengthens our faith as we see God working in different lives.

5. Listen: Prayer is not just about speaking to God but also about listening. Spend time in silence, waiting for His still, small voice to guide you.

Encouragement and Challenge

As we journey through this beautiful month of June, I want to encourage and challenge you to let prayer be your steering wheel. Trust God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). When worries and anxieties arise, remind yourself that God is in control. He has a plan, and He is faithful.

Let’s strive to be intentional about our prayer lives, allowing God to direct our paths and transform our hearts. Remember, prayer is our lifeline to the Creator, our constant connection to His wisdom and love.

May this month be a time of growth, trust, and deeper communion with God. As we navigate through life’s uncertainties, let’s hold on to the truth that God is always with us, guiding us through every twist and turn.

Blessings to you all,

Pastor Mikey