Table Talk | May 18-19

Kyle Patrick   -  

In light of this weekend’s sermon, I wanted to share a brief recap and some personal reflections.

Summary: This weekend, we explored the importance of genuine repentance and spiritual fruitfulness in the life of a believer. Using the parable of the barren fig tree in Luke 13, Pastor Kurt emphasized that entrance into God’s kingdom is gained through repentance, and fruitfulness is the expectation, not the exception, for those who claim to follow Christ.

As I reflect on this message, I am challenged to examine the fruit in my own life. Am I truly connected to the vine, allowing the Holy Spirit to produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in and through me? Or am I settling for anemic or artificial fruit, lacking the life-giving power that comes from abiding in Christ?

I encourage each of us to prayerfully consider the state of our spiritual lives. Let us not presume upon God’s patience but rather respond to His loving invitation to repent and bear fruit that honors His name. May we be like trees planted by streams of water, yielding fruit in season and prospering in all we do for God’s glory (Psalm 1:3).

Key Takeaways:
1. Entrance into God’s kingdom is gained through repentance, which involves conviction of sin, contrition, and turning away from sin towards a God-honoring life.
2. Fruitfulness is the expectation, not the exception, in God’s kingdom. Believers should bear spiritual fruit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) as evidence of their connection to God.
3. Fruitlessness disrupts God’s kingdom work, as it takes up valuable resources without producing the desired results.
4. God’s patience provides hope for those still outside the kingdom, but it is not endless. Repentance is necessary to avoid perishing.
Discussion Questions:
1. What does true repentance look like in a believer’s life? Share an example of a time when you experienced genuine repentance.
2. How can we cultivate a deeper connection with God to ensure we are bearing abundant spiritual fruit?
3. Have you ever experienced a season of “anemic” or “artificial” fruit in your life? What helped you overcome this and return to bearing genuine, abundant fruit?
4. In what ways can fruitlessness disrupt God’s kingdom work? How can we, as a Growth Group, encourage and support one another in bearing fruit?
5. How does understanding God’s patience and expectation for repentance impact the way we view and interact with those who are not yet believers?
Practical Applications:
1. Spend time in personal reflection this week, examining your life for areas where repentance may be needed. Confess these areas to God and ask for His help in turning away from sin.
2. Choose one aspect of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) to focus on developing in your life this week. Pray for God’s guidance and strength in cultivating this fruit.
3. Identify one person in your life who may be struggling with fruitlessness or has not yet come to know Christ. Commit to praying for them regularly and looking for opportunities to share the love and truth of God with them.
4. As a group, consider organizing a service project or outreach event that allows you to practically demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit to your community.